Bibliometrics indicators for the Science and Engineering Indicators 2022 – Technical documentation

Client: SRI International
Provision and analysis of key indicators in research and innovation: Policy briefs A to G

Client: European Commission
Provision and analysis of key indicators in research and innovation: Policy briefs on the SDGs

Client: European Commission
Is cross-disciplinary research linked to policy relevance?

International Center for the Study of Research
Measuring funding programs achievements in fostering cross-disciplinarity research: The potential role of integration and collaboration indicators in capturing distinct support mechanisms

18th International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics
Evaluation of the Belmont Forum

Client: Belmont Forum
Modelling the effects of open access, gender and collaboration on citation outcomes: Replicating, expanding and drilling

STI 2018 Conference proceedings
Modelling the effects of open access, gender and collaboration on citation outcomes: Replicating, expanding and drilling

Science & Technology Indicators 2018
Influence of OA, gender, co-authorship on citation

Collaboration between men and women in science

SciTS 2017