A large-scale validation of the relationship between cross-disciplinary research and its uptake in policy-related documents, using the novel Overton altmetrics database

Quantitative Science Studies
Article-level classification of scientific publications: A comparison of deep learning, direct citation and bibliographic coupling

Modelling the effects of open access, gender and collaboration on citation outcomes: Replicating, expanding and drilling

STI 2018 Conference proceedings
Comparative performance of adult social care research, 1996–2011: A bibliometric assessment

British Journal of Social Work
Resampling effects on significance analysis of network clustering and ranking

Scale-adjusted metrics of scientific collaboration

Proceedings of the 13th International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI)
Towards a multilingual, comprehensive and open scientific journal ontology

13th International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI)
Scientific publications and patenting by companies: a study of the whole population of Canadian firms over 25 years

Science and Public Policy
Can the global uptake of palliative care innovations be improved? Insights from a bibliometric analysis of the Edmonton Symptom Assessment System

Palliative Medicine
Bibliometrics as a performance measurement tool for research evaluation: The case of research funded by the National Cancer Institute of Canada

American Journal of Evaluation