Analyzing REF outputs: exploring new approaches

gears hanging in the air above an open laptop

Analyzing REF outputs: exploring new approaches December 2022 REF—the Research Excellence Framework—is an evaluation of the research impact of UK higher education institutions. In a recent study, Science-Metrix, collaborating with Technopolis, investigated the possibilities for using machine learning and automated processes on REF 2021 data. The goal of this study, which was commissioned by a group of […]

New paper on the link between interdisciplinarity, self-citation, and gender

abstract men and women arranged in a grid pattern

New paper on the link between interdisciplinarity, self-citation, and gender June 2022 A new paper by Science-Metrix scientists could help funders assess whether gender differences in interdisciplinary research are accurate and reliable. Given the rise of funding for interdisciplinary research (IDR), obtaining an accurate understanding of gender differences in IDR is highly relevant for funders, […]