The She Figures Handbook 2015 has been developed to accompany the She Figures publication. It contains methodological details on the collection of data and the calculation of all indicators in the She Figures. In doing so, it provides further guidelines and recommendations with regard to the collection, processing and use of the data on gender equality in research, innovation and science.
In particular, the handbook promotes cross-country uniformity in terms of data collection, indicator computation and data-validation procedures. It provides interested stakeholders with detailed information on the data needed to examine gender equality in research and innovation as well as the importance given to gender/sex issues in research content. It serves as a reference document and provides users with the methods needed to calculate the indicators so as to increase the quality and consistency of gender-related indicators across countries and time periods.
The She Figures 2015 was produced in close collaboration between the European Commission’s Directorate General for Research and Innovation, the Helsinki Group on Gender in Research and Innovation and their Statistical Correspondents, as well as representatives from Eurostat, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE). Science-Metrix acted as lead contractor for the project, in collaboration with ICF International, KU Leuven, Beyond 20/20, tKorps bvba and Imprimerie Centrale.
New indicators developed by Science-Metrix for the current iteration of the She Figures include the women to men ratio of scientific authorships and inventorships, as well as a measurement of the gender dimension in research content (i.e., scientific articles that take into account as relevant the biological characteristics and the social and cultural features of women and men).